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Wagner Law Group

Meet Marcia.


"As The Wagner Law Group has grown significantly over the past two decades, Votacall has been with us - truly as a partner - every step of the way. We have gone from a single location in Boston, Massachusetts to nine different offices all over the country, with barely a hitch with our phone technology because of the wonderful, caring and professional staff of Votacall."

Marcia Wagner, Founder & Managing Partner at Wagner Law Group

What does Wagner Law Group do?

The Wagner Law Group is a national practice that's known for its work in the areas of ERISA and employee benefits. Their specialties include employment law, investment management, and labor/human resources.

How do they communicate?

Wagner Law Group needs a reliable phone system that can connect their many offices and make sure that employees can communicate across them with ease. As a national firm, they also need a reliable solution that keeps them connected to their clients at all times.

How does Votacall help?

Because of Votacall's user-based pricing, Wagner Law Group knows exactly what their added communications costs will be when they hire new employees or decide to open a new office. When they do expand, their new offices are connected to the rest of the firm so employees at different locations can communicate effectively.

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